Monday, November 11, 2013

The Airline Love Story - Part 5

The Airline Love Story – Part 5: "A Moment of Perfection, But Just a Moment"

It was a gorgeous summer day, the kind you never want to end. Living in the northern Midwest, you yearn for these days because you know exactly what November through March is going to bring. I was working outdoors using some public WiFi and sitting on a park bench in the town square. Yes, I lived in a town with a town square.

I got a text message on the phone asking me some simple little nothing of a question: “what r u up to?”

The Airline Love Story - Part 4

The Airline Love Story – Part 4: "Undue Influence"

“Cross the street so he doesn’t see us together. I don’t want to deal with that…”

Ironically, at this point, I wouldn’t have known what he looked like anyways. She lived with her ex. She lived in fear, or at least that’s what she suggested. I don’t know what she thought or felt, but when you say “I sometimes go to bed with a knife in my hand under the pillow in case he comes home drunk”… well, I make some assumptions here and there.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Airline Love Story - Part 3


“You’re everything I could want…” she said to me.

Drunk as hell, mad as a skunk.

“And everything you don’t want…” I replied, admittedly just as drunk, but only half as mad.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Airline Love Story - Part 2


“Do you love me?” she asked, staring into my eyes, only inches apart.

Never answer that question in the following two scenarios (either combined, or individually):
During (or just following) amazing sex.
Just after you, or she, drinks copious amounts of alcohol.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Airline Love Story - Part 1 (And Intro)

The Airline Love Story is a piece I wrote on two airplane flights on my way back from Europe. I had a couple hour flight from Scotland to London, and then an 8 hour flight from London to Chicago. I purchased a little plaid notebook in the Edinburgh airport and made a deal with myself that I was going to fill the notebook with a story over the course of my in-air time. Well, I did. I filled every page of that notebook. I will be publishing it here over the next few posts.

Some interesting notes about this.

  • I did not necessarily write it in chronological order. It's not meant to be plot driven as much as it is an insight into the psyche of someone going through a complicated relationship.
  • Each part is VERY short individually. It's not a novel or novella. It's barely a short story. Maybe it's a "short-storyella". Maybe it's really an essay in the first person.
  • The piece is written in the first person. This was a deliberate choice so as to focus on the insights of the main character as opposed to the outward view of the main character. I could have used "he" instead of "I", perhaps, but I like this way much better.
  • I DID do some minor editing after I landed and before I transcribed it onto this blog. The original piece inside the notebook will probably be destroyed.
  • The characters are fictional, the scenarios are fictional, the premise is fictional. Hint: It's fictional.
  • It has adult themes. If that is going to bother you, either don't read it, or read it fully aware. 

And now, part 1.....

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Weight of it All - a DnD Scenario. I guess. I don't remember writing this....

UPDATE - Dan Myers wrote this. Not me. That explains very clearly why I don't remember writing it!

The Weight of it All

First Encounter

All characters wake up in a dungeon that is 40 by 40.There are 4 blue flamed torches on each wall. A voice wakes the players stating the following:

“Wake up my pretties. You can’t sleep and save your lives at the same time. You have proved worthy adversaries up till now, so don’t disappoint me. I do apologize, but I have had to deprive you of your memories. Please take a moment to take in your surrounding”

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Finding Life: Nick's Story

This was written as a monologue, but could easily just be an essay. It was based on a conversation I had with a man at a hotel bar in Alkmaar, Holland about 5 years ago. Some of the details were directly lifted from the story he told me.....

The InBeetWeeners - Episode V: Jibberish

Episode V: Jibberish.

Mein kiya daf toonamo.

Brafternum wilop? Gammericanom! Yazdernizma wanky torifnopore!

Ger yamma togre. Buh frep glamu dureke pada. 

So there!

The InBeetWeeners - Episode IV: Are you having martinis again? Nope, I'm having martinis STILL.

Episode IV: Are you having martinis again? Nope, I'm having martinis STILL.

I went up to this girl the other day. Boy… she was nice.. I think she was drunk. Or I was.. Wait. I was? What oh yeah.. drunk..but its ok because I drink all the time and have a tolerential for the alcaholismness. 

Anyways. I seed this girl before… seed? Seed! Sawed… seed-sawed… had seed this girl and we were at that club with the martinis! The one where Freddie worked… By that park bench. This girl -  WOAH.. I mean.. hot!!! and she was good looking too.

I had - wait she had martininis… martins... mar-teeeeen-eeees. Them things but I was drinking them and then I stopped because it was gone.

But I learned from this experience. Dont ever reply to the question Are you having Martinis again with NO! Im having martinis STILL!

It makes you look like you sound like a drunkery. I drunk..drinked a lot of martinis since then…but never respond that way! They stop talking to you if you say that

Or maybe it was because I threw up on her.

The InBeetWeeners - Episode III: Did You SEE That? Mad Libs on the Fly

Episode III: Did you SEE that?! Mad Libs On the Fly.

Did you SEE that????

It was a giant <noun>

I think it just <verb> the <noun> on top of the <type of fruit>!!

Quick, get me a <tool> to <sport action> before <bodily function> away for good!

WOW! My <social class> feels like its going to <celebration including fireworks and burgers>!

Did you SEE it?

The InBeetWeeners - Episode II: This Dessert Is Delicious. I Love Your Mom.

Episode II: This dessert is delicious. I love your mom.










This dessert is DELICIOUS!


I love your mom!

The InBeetWeeners - Introduction and Episode I - The Reluctant Exorciser

The InBeetWeeners were a series of brief monologues intended to bridge gaps between vignettes or sketch comedy pieces. I wrote 5 Episodes so far, and I'll publish them here and maybe write some more....

So... Episode 1!

Modern Magic - An Alternative History Fantasy World written by ME!!!!

The following is an alternative history fantasy story concept I wrote. The intention at the time was to use the concept to create an RPG of sorts by creating a universe for the characters to exist in. It's called "Modern Magic".  Enjoy!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

"Blue Harvest (ahem)..." A Psychological Thriller written in 2006 Brief "Treatment"

At one point, I was going to try to expand this into a screenplay (I even had a started working copy in my archives). So back in 2006 my mind was just as messed up as it is now...

Alas... Presenting "Blue Harvest - A Working Title" (yes, obviously stolen from Jedi...)