Monday, October 21, 2013

The Airline Love Story - Part 3


“You’re everything I could want…” she said to me.

Drunk as hell, mad as a skunk.

“And everything you don’t want…” I replied, admittedly just as drunk, but only half as mad.

“Fuck you,” she replied, “I hate you.”

“I know,” I conceded. Then I let it be. She walked over to me, grabbed my hand and we walked the street in silence. What else could I say?

In honesty, this wasn't the first time we’d been drunk enough to blurt out exactly how we felt about each other. Historically, it was easier to pretend we didn't remember it later, or make up some other excuse to minimize it.

But, she was also right. I adore her. I would do anything for her. I want, for her, more than anything else in the world, the best for her. I want her to find all in life that she wants or needs, or as she puts it, “is”, and that “is” satisfies her life. The selfish part of me, of course, want to be a part of that satisfaction, if only for one more moment in time. Those moments when the outside world, the “rest” doesn't exist, but just in the exact moment, you can be 100% free. Sharing those moments with someone, or experiencing them because of someone has to be the epitome of a living Nirvana or pure spiritual experience.

We had that. We’d fucked, made love, kissed and held hands, looked forward to seeing each other with giddy anticipation, wrestled fully clothed onto a bed until we touched, kissed, and otherwise found ourselves in the very present moments together, and I cling to those moments.

They were brief, especially in the context of a fully lived life. And they were rudely interrupted by the past creeping into the present.

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